Mark your card correctly if you don’t complete your round in order to get proper credit


WD:  Withdraw – Turn in a card with a score that can be posted – get attendance and participation points but don’t participate in game

NS:  You didn’t show up – no credit and pay $20 inconvenience fee

NC:  No Card – you don’t have a score that can be posted – get attendance credit, but no participation points

DQ:  Disqualify from the game but post a score – get attendance and participation credit




If you show up and pay, but for some reason can’t finish your round you get attendance credit.  

If you post a recordable score, you will get attendance credit plus participation points




  • Each member is required to attend at least 11 play days.  (For members who join after the season, this requirement is sometimes adjusted down.)  
  • The number of attendance credits a player gets on a particular play day is always at least 1 but can be 2 if the course is a double credit course.
  • There is no monetary value to an Attendance Credit, but a player does not receive credit for her Participation Points until she has met her Attendance Credit requirements.



  • Each member who posts a score at a regular play day event receives 1 Participation Point.
  • Members who compete in all 3 rounds of a special 3 day tournament receive 4 Participation Points.  The extra 1 Participation Point is designed to thank those who have competed and to encourage others to participate in these events.
  • At the end of the year, Participation Points have a monetary value, just like Performance Points.