The bad rain the previous night led to soggy conditions and cart path only golf! (What! You mean golf can be exercise!) But the sun came out, the temperature was great, and there were still a lot of laughs on the course.
There were proximity prizes on all 4 par 3s. Sarah Matin, who was on fire the whole round (lowest score of the field 74!) showed her good form right off the bat on number 3. May Tong, also playing well took the prize on 8. And in the “every dog will have its day” category, Judy Dunlop won on 11 and Barb Lazar won on 15. Both saw this as a nearly singular burst of brilliance in their rounds! 
Sarah Matin, Lisa Robinson, Ruth White and Mary Weiss played to win, and they did, in their respective flights. Not bad given the conditions. Meigan Putnam, Jenna Butler, Lesley Lincoln, and May Tong all played close to their Handicap and took net honors. 
Pace of Play was the worst of the season, touching the 5 hour round. However, there were men in front of the field that we pushed every hole, and we were trapped by their slower play. The course’s pace of play for the day was around 4:45 – 15 minutes added for conditions and cart path only restrictions. So good job everyone!